This is a perfect diet for those who want to get back into the shape and show off their body! The diet lasts for a week and doesn’t depend on the season, so you can go for it several times a year.
But summer is the most convenient time for it as we have great variety of fruits and vegetables available on markets or in the shops.
So, choose fruits and vegetables you love the most and eat them for breakfast, dinner and supper.
Monday :
The first day of the diet is vegetable.
Choose and kind of it and eat in big quantity all day, but remember – even if the chosen vegetable is very juicy, it can’t supplement the needed water for your organism.
So, during the day it’s advisable to drink up to 2 litres of mineral or still water.
Tuesday :
If the previous day was vegetable, this one will be for fruits.
Choose different kinds of fruits – apples, oranges, pears – and divide them into 4-5 portions.
Eat main part of it in the afternoon. If you still feel hunger, take 1 glass of kefir or yoghurt.
Wednesday :
Today you may eat berries – fresh strawberries, plums or raspberries.
But during the day drink no less than 2 litres of mineral or boiled water.
Thursday :
In this day give preference to cultured milk foods.
It may be kefir, yoghurt or fermented milk. Sip it in small amounts but often during a day. If your stomach still reminds you of itself, eat a little of low-fat cheese with a teaspoon of honey.
The best ending of the day may be 1 glass of kefir in the evening.
Friday :
Again vegetables. But this time you may choose cabbage, pumpkin or potatoes (boiled, but not fried!) and juicy tomatoes.
Eat only vegetables and drink mineral water.
Saturday :
Dedicate this day to berries – cherries, apricots or peaches.
Eat them during a day, drink mineral or boiled(!) water and in the evening take a glass of kefir.
Sunday :
It might be the most difficult day. Drink only fresh juice – apple, orange or grapes.
After this diet you won’t recognize your body – flat stomach, slender legs and fresh color of your face! You may lose up to 5 kilos.
After diet don’t attack food at once, do it step by step, otherwise your slim figure will gain all fat again.
In order to keep your body in such a shape try this diet every month or at least twice a season.
But summer is the most convenient time for it as we have great variety of fruits and vegetables available on markets or in the shops.
So, choose fruits and vegetables you love the most and eat them for breakfast, dinner and supper.
Monday :
The first day of the diet is vegetable.
Choose and kind of it and eat in big quantity all day, but remember – even if the chosen vegetable is very juicy, it can’t supplement the needed water for your organism.
So, during the day it’s advisable to drink up to 2 litres of mineral or still water.
Tuesday :
If the previous day was vegetable, this one will be for fruits.
Choose different kinds of fruits – apples, oranges, pears – and divide them into 4-5 portions.
Eat main part of it in the afternoon. If you still feel hunger, take 1 glass of kefir or yoghurt.
Wednesday :
Today you may eat berries – fresh strawberries, plums or raspberries.
But during the day drink no less than 2 litres of mineral or boiled water.
Thursday :
In this day give preference to cultured milk foods.
It may be kefir, yoghurt or fermented milk. Sip it in small amounts but often during a day. If your stomach still reminds you of itself, eat a little of low-fat cheese with a teaspoon of honey.
The best ending of the day may be 1 glass of kefir in the evening.
Friday :
Again vegetables. But this time you may choose cabbage, pumpkin or potatoes (boiled, but not fried!) and juicy tomatoes.
Eat only vegetables and drink mineral water.
Saturday :
Dedicate this day to berries – cherries, apricots or peaches.
Eat them during a day, drink mineral or boiled(!) water and in the evening take a glass of kefir.
Sunday :
It might be the most difficult day. Drink only fresh juice – apple, orange or grapes.
After this diet you won’t recognize your body – flat stomach, slender legs and fresh color of your face! You may lose up to 5 kilos.
After diet don’t attack food at once, do it step by step, otherwise your slim figure will gain all fat again.
In order to keep your body in such a shape try this diet every month or at least twice a season.