This has resulted in constantly increasing percentage of over-weight and obese people which in turn has negative effects on overall fitness and health.
Losing weight and improving overall fitness should be the number one priority if you want to live a long and healthy life.
The main reason for getting over-weight is the amount of calorie intake. If you consume more calories than you spend you are slowly gaining weight and start to accumulate fat.
The solution for the problem seems relatively simple and that is to consume fewer calories than you spend.
One pound of fat equals 3500 calories. If you consume that much less you will lose one pound of fat.
Take good care when lowering your daily calorie intake. Consuming too little calories can have negative effects on your body and overall health.
You should start with the amount of 500 calories. Consume 500 fewer calories daily then you spend, and you will lose 1 pound of fat every week.
Here are some tips that will help you to overturn your daily calorie intake.
1. Build muscle
The more muscles your body has the faster your metabolism is which in turn burns more fat. Having more muscles burns more calories even when you are at rest because it needs more calories to maintain muscle tissue.
You can indulge yourself in many exercises to build muscles and weight lifting or high intensity cardio training (HIIT) is one of them.
2. Eat less, but frequently
Eating 4-6 times per day revs up the metabolism. Each time you eat your body burns more calories just to digest the food. Don’t skip your meals and don’t merge the meals.
3. Cardio workout
Cardio exercises that range from simple ones as walking to a more intense like running, swimming or cycling are perfect for burning calories.
Thirty minutes per day is a minimum to experience health benefits in as little as 4-6 weeks.
4. No need for dieting
Avoid low calorie diets and supplements because they are of no use when you are trying to burn calories.
This technique only makes you lose water weight or even worse, muscle weight, and soon as you stop your diet you gain weight faster than you lost it.
5. Consume foods that help you burn fat
Eating healthy food like whole-grain food, green vegetables, fruits and food rich in protein (important for building muscles) are very helpful in reducing the amount of fat contained in your body.
Try to avoid processed food like white bread, pastas, cookies, biscuits, etc.
These are five important tips that will help you to return your body to a mint condition.
After only a couple of weeks you will start to see real improvements to your body shape, weight, muscle strength, you will have more energy and be in a better mood.
Don’t starve yourself out, but rather be responsible to your body.