But, hold on, there is no one single plan that can work miracles with an all fits one and one fits for all.
Each and every single individual has a different need and lifestyle.
So therefore, one program does not suit all individuals. All fitness programs have their perks and negative sides.
It is up to the individual to decide which routine works best for you.
Pick a workout program that you will enjoy, so that you will not quit from exhaustion, burnout or boredom. Just because something works for another person, does not mean it will for you.
There are a few that are quite popular such as pilates, which is based upon developing and improving body posture and flexibility of movement, using the resistance of springs.
Pilates can be practiced by using specially designed equipment or performing routines based on the pilates system, simply on a mat.
There is also the step fitness program. Step is quite simply a form of aerobic exercise involving stepping on and off a step, often to the beat of music.
Videos or dvd’s can be purchased to use in the home, or if you prefer, you can go to your local gym and enroll in classes.
And last, but definitely not the least is aerobics fitness programs, which is in numerous different formats but rather involves lots of different motions of the arms, leg raises, kicks, stretching, bending and lunging to music as well.
This is usually more fun and entertaining with groups of people or with a few friends or family.
Join a gym or fitness club and surround yourself with others who have the same goals or interest.
That way, you will find that you are more likely to stick to it, and accomplish your fitness goals…
Have fun and good luck!