At the same time the eggs are not very caloric (1 egg has about 80-100 Kcal). Besides, eggs are a product that is rather useful, and they are the excellent source of many vitamins and microcells.
The egg diet demands strict diet observance. It is impossible to replace the products enlisted in it with others!
The diet has three meals a day: breakfast, dinner and supper, and supper should be not later than 6 pm. Snacks are strictly forbidden.
The breakfast of the egg diet is always identical: a grapefruit, two eggs and black coffee without sugar.
Monday :
Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 tomato, herbal tea.
Supper: 2 eggs, Russian salad without oil, a grapefruit, herbal tea.
Tuesday :
Dinner: a grapefruit, 2 eggs.
Supper: a dish from the fast meat, one tomato, salad, a cucumber, a celery.
Wednesday :
Dinner: 2 eggs, spinach, tea.
Supper: 2 eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage, a beet, herbal tea.
Thursday :
Dinner: 2 eggs, spinach, coffee.
Supper: steamed fish, Russian salad, coffee.
Friday :
Dinner: 2 eggs, spinach, coffee.
Supper: 250 grams of baked fish, Russian salad, cabbage, coffee.
Saturday :
Dinner: fruit salad.
Supper: a beefsteak, a celery, salad, 1 tomato, a cucumber, coffee.
Sunday :
Dinner: a grapefruit, 200 grams of boiled hen, a tomato.
Supper: 150 grams of boiled hen, a tomato, carrots, cabbage, coffee.
The second week of the egg diet is the repetition of the first one. But instead of coffee, you may drink a lot of still water (but no later than 6pm).
Certainly, the egg diet, as well as many other diets, will be suitable not to all. First of all, eggs are a highly-allergic product and if you have a propensity to any kind of allergy, this diet is for sure not for you. Even if before you didn’t notice allergy to eggs.
One more minus of the egg diet is that eggs increase cholesterol level in blood. However, the cholesterol in eggs is considered to be one of the least harmful.
Besides, vegetables and fruits, which contain natural antioxidants and vegetative cellulose and which usage is an obligatory component of any variant of the egg diet, also reduce “harm” of egg cholesterol. The similar effect also gives green or herbal tea.