For example, members of the Green Peace Organization or followers of Hinduism and Buddhism. The thought of eating meat of animals is strongly unacceptable for these people.
In many poor countries the vegetarianism is the one and only way to eat due to the high price on meat and meat products.
In a number of developed countries, in Great Britain, for instance, vegetarianism is considered to have the ethical or philosophical sense that turn a diet into a lifestyle.
Some may ask: Who is a VEGETARIAN? So, here is the answer! A vegetarian is a person who avoids to eat meat and/or animal products.
Vegetarian diet includes only foods from plants: like fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, seeds, dried beans and peas.
This diet is very good for those who want to keep their body in muscle tone, be not hungry and in a good shape.
This diet lasts for 1 month and you can repeat it after 2-3 months. The weight loss may reach up to 7 kilos!
Vegetable Day :
Breakfast: 1 glass of vegetable juice, 4 stewed tomatoes, green tea, lemon.
Dinner: salad from cucumbers or salad from cabbage, green onions, coffee or tea with lemon.
Supper: stewed, boiled or steamed vegetables – with small amount of lemon juice, tea.
Fruit Day :
Breakfast: fruit salad (fresh apples, 1 orange, 1 grapefruit), coffee or tea with lemon.
Dinner: 1\2 melon, fruit salad (fresh apples, 1 orange, 1 grapefruit).
Supper: roasted fruits – apples with honey, apple juice and cinnamon.
Many consider this diet very useful for the organism. You know, all plants are rich in vitamins, enzymes, volatiles, microcells and organic acids.
Volatiles suppress rotting processes in intestines, considerably improve their functions and promote a body purification from cholesterol.
Besides, vegetative products, especially oats and barley, prevent atherosclerosis development.