You will find many sites on the internet claiming significant weight loss in just a few days.
That type of weight loss is always short-lived, apart from the fact that they could pose as serious health threat in some severe cases.
Every now and then we hear of crash diets with outrageous claims but they are sometimes over hyped diet plans that tend to be fashionable for a while and usually make a lot of money for the inventor in associated product sales.
I have to confess I have actually embarked on crash diets but I actually used it as a means to an end.
What this means is that I did the crash diet and sincerely adjusted my eating habit accompanied with moderate exercises which I try to be consistent with.
Negative effects of fad diets
1. Usually diets that guarantee quick and easy weight loss are proponents of eating only one type of food and none of another.
This negates the basis of giving the body a balanced diet. Taking of supplements might be encouraged but, many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the foods that the diet has banned.
Sticking to such a diet for long, you may begin to develop nutritional deficiencies.
2. Fad diets are often rigid, boring and over restrictive. After the initial excitement of the first day or two, boredom sets in.
You will then start to crave food constantly and will probably or definitely break the diet. And this cycle often sets in guilt in the dieter.
3. Many fad diets do not help you to incorporate enough servings of fruits and vegetables in your weight loss program, or give you the variety of foods that your body needs.
4. Permanent changes are the only way to remain at your target weight once you reach it. but quick weight loss diets are just a temporary solution and do not help you to make permanent changes to your eating habits.
Like I always say fad diets will not help you in the long term. The best way to sustain weight loss is to eat a varied and healthy diet, eat in moderation, exercise regularly and avoid a yoyo diet circle in form of fad diets.