When it comes to a topic such as "obesity", weight problems, fat e.t.c Most men reading through the book, article or a blog like this just flip over or click away from such information. reason? it is a "woman thing".
Researchers have found that obese men have female hormone level twice as high as those found in men of normal weight. In other words, this estrogen is believed to suppress testicular production of testosterone needed for a male's sexual functioning.
Yes, you heard me right! Obesity in a man can suppress his sexual functionality!
Okay, let me be a little bit subtle, I kinda sound harsh right? ... Obesity in men can cause hormonal problems, obesity also draws strength, affects the physical union and contact of body parts!
Lastly, obesity sometimes lowers the individuals self image and confidence.
It is hard but, better to sit down and tell yourself the truth if you fall into this category that; excess fat ain't good for you! It gotta go! Start a diet today, enroll for a fitness program go! go! go! Do not give excuses or procrastinate, just do it!