Seven Rules of Eating to Drop your Fats :
The daily food choices you make can help you drop fats and control your weight. You cannot just desire weight loss and carry on with eating whatever you want at anytime in whatsoever quantity you desire.
There are rules to drop fats in order to achieve your desired weight.
There are lots of things that have impact on your hunger and ability to drop fats. But we will concentrate on seven things to master to achieve or retain a healthy means to drop fats from your body.
1- Eat Very Little Fat – Go as Low as You Can Go (<20 g per day is good)
2- Decisively cut down on your Sugar Consumption
3- Eat more of Lean Sources of Protein, Emphasizing Plant Proteins
4- Consume Low-Density Foods (e.g., soups, vegetables)
5- Eat Fibre-Rich Foods (at least 30 g per day)
6- Eat Your Calories – Don’t Drink Them
7- Be Calorie Conscious
1- Eat Very Little Fat :
When it comes to being able to drop fats your body is usually slow or stubborn. But when it comes to storing fat in the body, your body is a very efficient tool.
When you take meals high in fat, you make a tough situation tougher. What this simply means is that you give those hungry fat cells every right to store more fat.
The intriguing part of this process is that of fat is stored more in overweight people than in people who have never been overweight.
The change to a low-fat diet might seem very knotty at first, but successful weight controllers report that after they become used to the new lower-fat diet, They somewhat stopped craving fatty foods.
Successful long-term weight control by being able to drop fats can only be achieved if you refuse to feed your fat cells the exact thing they want, more fats!
You only need 3-5 grams of fats a day to maintain nutritional health.
2- Consume Less Sugar :
How can we drop fats with this lovable specimen! It would be an understatement to begin to say that sugar constitutes one of the cravings we fight in our diets.
Oh! How we love sugar! The sweet taste of cakes, cookies, and ice cream has become closely associated with the celebrations of life, from holidays to birthdays to weddings. We could simply say we are infatuated with sugar.
In the quest of our looking for how to drop fats, I am sure some of us if not all of us have experienced that quick burst of energy that you get after eating foods laden with sugar and would not want to give it up for anything, even being able to drop fats!
We must remember that sugar is composed of glucose, which is also the chemical that is the primary source of energy in your body.
Studies have shown that when humans starve, they prefer sweet foods, reason why a “quick fix” of a cookie or other sugary food is preferred when one is hungry than a bowlful of salad!
These biological processes generate a vicious circle, you get very hungry and grab sugary foods; the sugary foods spark off biochemical reactions that increase your hunger and encourage you to indulge more and this leads to the inability to drop fats.
Felt sleepy about an hour after eating drinks or foods with a large amount of sugar and wondered why ?
This is because sugar consumption also stimulates the release of serotonin, a natural tranquilizer, which often triggers another round of eating more sugar-laden foods.
Breaking this habit becomes very difficult with sugary foods having become associated with holidays and other celebrations.
However, if you realize that you are defeating your chance to drop fats by not eating these foods, you can find alternatives such as fruit and low-sugar crackers to fend off cravings for sugary foods.
3- Eat Lean Sources of Protein :
You can see the emphasis is on lean sources of protein above, Proteins are the building blocks of life and they are an essential part of your diet.
Successful long-term dieters eat relatively high levels of proteins for a number of reasons.
Protein stimulates the release of the digestive hormone CCK, which in turn stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that make you feel satisfied and full.
Proteins stabilize your blood glucose levels, which also regulates feelings of hunger.
Good choices of protein are egg whites, goat meat (a low-fat alternative to beef), skimmed milk, fat-free yogurt, fat-free cheese, chicken and turkey.
4- Consume Low-Density Foods :
To be able to drop fats eat low-density foods. This entails food even though eaten in large quantity you get relatively fewer calories.
Examples of low-density foods are soups (you can consume lots of liquid), vegetables, fruits, and very low-fat foods.
High-density foods definition can be inferred from the opposite of low density foods that is; small serving size equals a lot of calories.
Examples include chocolate and pastries.
Soups can be great means to drop fats by being appetite-reducers for dieters.
Studies have shown that adding more fluid to the diet (but not more calories) reduces overall caloric intake. Usually people who eat more soup drop fats more than those who do not.
5- Eat Fibre-Rich Foods :
You cannot rule out fibre when it comes to you being able to drop fats off you. Fibre is one of the best means to use in your weight loss quest.
Fibre not only makes you feel full, it has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.
Very few people eat enough fibre. In fact, most eat less than half the recommended amount of fibre in a given day.
Countries where people consume a lot of fibre have significantly lower rates of obesity.
Although Fibre does not sound like a very appetizing food choice many high-fibre foods are also low-density foods, so by choosing these high-fibre choices you are achieving two benefits with one food.
There are many simple changes you can make to increase your fibre consumption. Instead of egg on white bread have egg on whole grain bread and add lettuce, tomatoes, and a slice of cucumber.
The vegetables add very few calories and the bread won’t change the calories at all, yet you have just added about 6 grams of fibre to your meal, one-fifth of the daily minimum requirement of 30 grams.
You can increase your fibre intake by choosing whole grain breads instead of white breads, brown rice instead of white rice, and whole fruits instead of juices to meet your daily fibre requirement for effective weight loss.
6- Eat Your Calories – Don’t Drink Them :
This warning cannot be over flogged, High-calorie drinks such as sodas, fruit juices, and sports drinks can quickly undermine your weight loss success, especially if you are in the habit of guzzling such drinks to quench your thirst.
You can easily add more than 500 calories to your daily diet by drinking one soda or a fruit juice.
Most fruit drinks contain very little actual fruit juice, and even those that are 100% fruit juice contain almost no fibre.
The only exception to this rule is skim milk. Skim milk contains protein and calcium, and some research has shown that dairy products may help you lose weight.
7- Be Calorie Conscious :
After all said and done, being able to drop fats also depends on how many calories you take in and how many you burn up.
This is simply a natural law: to drop fats you must use more energy than you consume, there must be an even balance between the two.