Some of us may think that ballerinas don’t have tendency to obesity, some claim that the matter is in genes, others see point in regular physical trainings.
Of course, trainings somehow help keep fit, but as practice shows, the main way to keep their bodies in such a perfect shape is a specially created diet. And now we will reveal the secret of ballerinas’ diet
Actually, the diet is quite simple to keep on. You have to follow some rules how to eat in the right way and you will stay in shape and tonus.
First rule – the food portion is divided into two ones, in order not to eat all at once and get stuffed. After first eating time wait a bit (appr. 45-60 min.) and eat another one.
Second rule – if you eat soup, don’t mix it with other products. It’s an “independent” food and is consumed alone.
Third rule – if you like to treat yourself to some dairy products, choose low-fat ones.
Fourth rule – forget about sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup. Try to replace it with low-fat yoghurt or sour cream.
Fifth rule – try to exclude salt from your daily ration during food cooking or replace it with seasonings or soya sauce dressing cooked dish with it.
Sixth rule – drink water at least in 30 minutes before food or 1 hour after it.
And the last, but not least – the seventh rule – drink at least 1,5-2 liters of still water per day.
As you may see, the diet is not so strict to follow. And it’s easy for everyone who wants not only to be healthy, but also to stay fit and beautiful.