This diet is very strict and it is forbidden to consume products and drinks containing “bad” carbohydrates: sugar, sweets, pastry and pasta, white loaf, potatoes. You must not drink alcohol and sweet aerated drinks.
During this diet the days are divided into hungry, protein and vegetable days.
Menu :
1st and 2nd day: the hungry ones:
During a day you have to drink 1-2 litres of milk or kefir and one glass of tomato juice, to eat 2 slices of black bread.
3rd and 4th day: the protein ones:
Breakfast (8-9 a.m.): 1 slice of black bread with a thin layer of butter, 1/2 tsp of honey, a cup of coffee with milk.
Lunch (1-2 p.m.): 1 glass of meat or fish broth, 100 grams of boiled low-fat meat or fish, 1 slice of black bread.
Snack (4-5 p.m.): 1 glass of milk or tea, 1/2 tsp of honey.
Dinner (7 p.m.): 100 grams of boiled meat or 2 eggs and 50 grams of cheese; 1 glass of kefir.
5th and 6th day: the vegetable ones:
Breakfast (8-9 a.m.): 2 apples or 1 orange.
Lunch (1-2 p.m.): vegetable soup and beetroot salad without potatoes.
Snack (4-5 p.m.): 2 apples or 1 orange.
Dinner (7 p.m.): vegetable salad from cabbage, beet and carrots, 1 slice of black bread, 1 glass of tea, 1 tsp of honey.
Then you have to repeat this six-day cycle 3 times; the 20-day diet comes to the end with 2 “hungry” days:
You drink tea without sugar, eat low-fat cottage cheese and 2 slices of black bread during a day.
After the end of the twenty-day diet you may eat everything, but in small quantities and follow food balance. Also, keep your body fit attending gym, swimming or just jogging.
If you want to repeat the twenty-day diet, you may do it not earlier than in 3 months.
Weight Loss