As the most common type of cardiovascular disease, it is a day-to-day issue with many people.
If you or someone that you know is a sufferer of this condition, it is time that you become familiar with the facts regarding the disease.
Hypertension is typically defined as the elevated pressure present on the artery walls of the blood stream. This pressure, if it is higher than normal, is potentially a serious medical issue.
As a leading problem concerning stroke and heart disease, it is the most common form of cardiovascular disease in the world. Most heart attacks and strokes are a direct result of high blood pressure.
There are two main categories under which sufferers of hypertension fall under.
The first is called "primary hypertension". This is the appearance of elevated blood pressure without a serious medical reason causing it.
Most people, as much as 95%, fall under this category.
"Secondary hypertension" is a more serious issue, as the hypertension is caused by potentially serious issues with the kidneys, heart, or endocrine system.
Adjusting your lifestyle is especially important for people who are at a higher risk than others.
The majority of risk is genetic in nature. This means that people with a family history of heart disease, diabetes, and obviously hypertension, are considered high risk and should take special care.
Other significant factors are obesity, alcohol and tobacco use, and a poor diet high in sodium and saturated fat.
If you need to lower the blood pressure, there are many ways of approaching this. In general, living a healthy lifestyle is ideal.
This includes a sensible diet that you stick to and regular exercise.
Leave foods that are high in saturated fats and sodium behind. In their place add leafy vegetables and fruit.
Another important idea is regular exercise, especially cardiovascular workouts.
It is ideal that you avoid drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco products. Both of these activities directly raise your blood pressure, putting you in danger every time you indulge. They can have damaging effects on artery walls.
These are bad habits that make treating hypertension much more difficult than it needs to be.
Stress also has a direct impact on the problem. Although you probably won't be able to eliminate stress from your life completely, you can take steps to reduce it.
Anything that helps you relax can be useful. When you begin to feel stressed, take a moment and breathe deeply. Try and keep positive thoughts.
If possible, identify sources of stress and put them out of your life completely.
Learning how to manage your time and setting realistic daily goals for yourself will also help you deal with stress.
Although it is extremely common, do not overlook the potential long-term effects of hypertension. Take the appropriate steps to lower your blood pressure.
This has the potential to shorten your lifespan considerably. Make the daily lifestyle changes that are necessary, and take steps to reduce day-to-day stress, and you can begin living a healthy life.