Time To Lose Weight for Real

Time To Lose Weight for Real

The physical fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar business but that can be a bit of a liability to the gym and the paying customers.

Often the gym’s management doesn’t realize or doesn’t care that overcrowding is not in their best interest or their customers.

The problems can be clients wanting to work out on a certain machine but finding that other people are always on them.

Nobody wants challenges at the gym–it’s hard enough to talk yourself into going in the first place. Then once you get there you end up waiting to use the machines you paid a membership fee to use, but can’t!

Why put yourself through all that insanity and frustration when there is a better, healthier way to burn fat and lose that belly fat without suffering needlessly.

There are many programs available that will make your home a gym without all the expensive equipment. But exercise is not the sole answer to getting a healthy looking body; diet also plays a big factor.

First of all, you do not have to starve yourself (diet) to burn fat, and in fact if you do diet/starve yourself- the problem will become compounded.

Fasting diets cause your body to save itself from danger.

Without nutrients available your immune system (your body’s military) will weaken making it less able to defend your body.

Starving yourself is like taking the body’s military offline. When that happens the indigenous cancer cells in your body (we all have them but our immune system keeps them from breeding out of control).

Keeping your immune system perfect is vital for your health as well as losing weight.

Starving yourself makes your body think it’s in trouble compelling it to only burn the fat needed to get by while storing the rest of the fat.

This mode kicks in by instinct thinking your food supply is diminishing, time to save the fat and any other food source for later.

On the other hand, if your body has too much to eat and doesn’t get enough exercise to burn off everything you’ve consumed, the body will store the excess as fat.

The trick is to eat 6-8 times a day, which is great news for some people. But keep those meals you eat should be small portions; a portion is the size of the inside of our hand or palm.

Certain foods can help drastically in the fat burning process based on how they affect and improve the body’s synergy–including the functioning of immune system, speeding up the metabolism (by eating 6-8 times a day instead of 3 big, often overpowering meals), more vegetables and fruits with lean meats and fish.

Eating preservative rich, highly processed foods, often evident by the packaging or the drive thru window. Too much fast food is counterproductive to your goals of losing weight.

As far as exercise goes, you don’t have to spend hours and hours at the gym to get ample exercise to burn fat.

In fact if you simply eat smaller, healthier meals, reduce or remove all processed/preservative rich foods, drink plenty of water and get enough fiber in your diet–you will lose weight.

You can spend forty-five minutes three times a week exercising with weights and doing aerobics twice a week, running or even a brisk walk, depending on your physical condition.

If you can’t run, then walk, just make sure you’re power walking–science has discovered that walking without effort doesn’t burn many calories. Adding some brisk arm swinging will help get the fat burning.

The main thing is to move that body, just put your body in motion and as the law states “a body in motion tends to stay in motion.”

Get that heart to pumping and the muscles moving. You should feel some burn and that’s good, but don’t overdo it when you first start out and be careful with form. No need to strain your tendons or your joints.

Also be sure to pay attention to the exercise illustrations on an exercise video or in a book if you’re using one.

Good exercise books are great for tips and efficient exercises that target areas for fat burning. Make sure you follow their form rules as this will protect you from injury and assure optimal results.

You should create a log, whether in a ledger book, notebook, or even on your computer using a text editor or spread sheet program to track your results.

This will point out where your weaknesses are and show you what to improve. You can see just how much you’ve done and how much more you need to do to reach your goals.

For example, when you lift weights, write down how many reps you’ve done and how many sets. A rep is how many times you lift the weights and a set is how many of each exercise you’ve done.

So if I lift the weights twelve times in a bicep curl, and then I stop and rest for two minutes and lift the weights ten more times, then I’ve done two sets of 12 reps and 10 reps.

By lifting weights and doing aerobics, you in the process of fat burning that will continue for hours afterwards.

You also need to keep a food log. Every time you eat something, even if it was just a protein bar or a glass of water, write it down in your log.

Be totally honest with your log, so you’ll be sure to see how you can improve your food intake.

The idea of the food log is to make you aware of exactly what, when, how much, and even where you eat so you consciously realize how much you’re taking in each day.

It is a lot like when you do your budget and write down all the little things you buy on a daily basis. Later you can look at this to figure out where all the money went.

Often we do things on auto-pilot and don’t see what we’re doing. By not monitoring your food intake, it’s easy to think you’ve just eaten a few meals when in reality you ate twice as much as needed.

This causes half of the food to be in the fat burning mode as we exercise while the other half is stored as fat.

By realizing what’s actually going on, you can stop over eating and thus stop adding too much fat to your body.

Get into the habit of writing it down and you’ll be accountable to yourself for every bite you take.

It’s actually just common sense rules that you follow for losing weight. Eat five to six small healthy meals and exercise wisely three times a week. And most of all, keep you accountable by writing everything down.
 If all else fails, there are many reasonably priced resources available to point you in the right direction to regaining that healthy look.

Many cost less than a month’s membership at an overcrowded gym, but provide a lifetime of simple exercises and healthy eating advice to help you reach your goals.

So get off the couch, primetime TV is done for the season! Let’s change up your life and use a half hour or more of that time to productive activities.

Trust me, you will feel much better about yourself, especially when enjoying the upcoming summer season showing off the new look to your family and friends!

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